RaWr :P

January 1st- NEW YEAR!!!
January 2nd- Sila Calderón becomes the first female Governor of Puerto Rico (2002)
January 3rd- Eli Mannings birfday!
January 4th- Duck hunter accidentally shoots endangered whooping crane in Texas (1968)
January 5th- Bradley Cooprz birday!
January 6th- Three Kingz day!
January 7th- Nicolas Cagez birday!
January 8th- Show & Tell day at work!
January 9th- Dave Matthews birday(dave matthews band!)!
January 10th- National Clean Off Ur Desk Day!
January 11th- Cuckoo Dancing Week!
January 12th- Haitian Earthquake - see our 'make a difference page-(1st anniversary)
January 13th- Orlando Bloomz birday!
January 14th- Arnold Benedictz birday!
January 15th- Miss America Pageant!
January 16th- Appreciate a Dragon Day!
January 17th- Jim Carreyz birday!
January 18th- Pooh Day!
January 19th- Dolly Parton birday!
January 20th- Women in Blue Jeans day!
January 21st- National Hugging day!
January 22nd- Answer ur Cats Question day!
January 23rd- Snowplow Mailbox Hockey day!
January 24th- National Cowboy Poetry meeting!
January 25th- Alicia Keys birday!
January 26th- Australia Day Cockroach  Races!
January 27th- Thomas Crapper day!
January 28th- Pride and Prejudice published in UK (1813)
January 29th- Oprahz birday!
January 30th- Meat week!
January 31st- Justin Timberlakez birday!